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Written by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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The Cloud is Changing Human Capital Management

Businesses often struggle with workforce operations no matter their size. Incorporating more cloud-based and mobile technologies will help to fine-tune their organization and ease the challenges they face. Companies have the option to customize the technology so that it fits with their culture and HR department.

The Benefits of the Cloud

Rather than the typical reporting of attendance and scheduling, the cloud will allow companies to focus on predictive modeling. This means that businesses will utilize the correct number of employees that are the best fit for their roles and ultimately at a lower cost.

In the future, the advance workplace management solutions will allow for changes to individuals and teams that will provide greater customer satisfaction. The performance levels of employees will be utilized to their fullest potential.

Stay Current

In order for organizations to be successful with the cloud being part of the human capital management, they need to be current with the latest technology. It seems that technology evolves so quickly but a company that works to stay up to date will succeed in this workplace shift.

Cloud-based technology allows employees to pursue new skills and what interests them most by growing their skills and ultimately bringing value to their business and customers.

Workplace Changes

The more we see a shift from hosting and management of application away from a company’s IT department, the more customers seem to upgrade their systems. These changes within the workplace benefit us all.

Also, allowing employees the flexibility to work from anywhere is another great shift because of mobile technology. Companies are able to make better staffing choices, save money and avoid some of the red tape that goes along with the hiring process.

Truly, the cloud and mobile technology have changed human capital management. The shift has happened and continues to evolve. Businesses will see successes follow as they work to learn how this can apply to their workplace dynamics. Every company has their own culture but staying current with the trends will ensure that they stay cutting edge against their completion.

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Written by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Is Your Business Ready for Change?

Change is inevitable.

The question should never be if it will happen but rather when it will happen. Everything changes from the weather to the seasons to our opinions and preferences over the years. The world is evolving, transitioning, and changing around us faster than we even realize.

What does this mean for you and your business?

Questions to Consider

In your business, are you stuck in a rut or open to change? The fast-paced world around us waits for no one.

Consider the following questions:

  • Am I open to change for my business?
  • Is it time to make some changes?
  • How would change help my business stay competitive?

Next answer the question as to whether you are willing to take the plunge and make changes. If so, why do you find it necessary to switch things up?

While there are lots of reasons people go into business, the main reason is to make a profit. As you brainstorm on how you’d like to change your business, you will want to answer these questions for yourself.

  • What is the purpose of making a change?
  • How long will any disruption to operations linger?
  • Will the change be for the better?
  • If so, what would improve?

Really take some time and think through these questions. Get your thoughts down on paper and bounce your thoughts off of someone you trust. While change is good, you should make calculated decisions and work to stay a few seconds ahead of your competition.

Reasons to Make a Change

Continue to ask yourself how your business would improve by making changes. There is a difference in the words improving and changing. To improve something, you are making a change for the better. In order to change something, you are making it different.

If all is going smoothly for your business, then don’t switch things up just to do it for the sake of change. However, you will want to make changes if you are:

  • Not making the money that you want
  • Are overly stressed
  • Are handling more drama than real business issues

If any of this sounds like your situation, then change is necessary. You can take actionable steps to pull of your goals but you’ll need to be intentional.

Daily Time to Reflect

As a business owner, you need to carve out time each day to focus on your company. Success doesn’t just happen. Take some time to do the following each day and think about and make notes about your business.

  • Find a quiet place without interruptions
  • Don’t accept calls, emails, or texts.
  • Write down and business goals and ideas as they come to mind.
  • Think through your staff and write down what’s working and what’s not.

A time of daily reflection will enable you to think more clearly about your business. Don’t get so busy that you don’t make this a priority. Be open to change and watch your business both improve and thrive in the days to come.

Need help making sure your business is ready for change? Contact us today!

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Written by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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7 Ways to Improve Your Content-Marketing Strategy

7 Ways to Improve Your Content-Marketing Strategy

What’s your strategy?

You may be wondering where I’m going with this but you need to be sure and have a plan to improve your content marketing.

Here Are 7 Ways to “Think” about Your Content-Marketing Strategy:

1.      Think Free

Everyone will jump at the chance if you give them info for free.  Don’t be so pricey.  Try and be giving.  Think free and you’ll gain a following.  Be generous and you’ll put your info in the hands of others and they will share it and so forth.  People love free.

2.      Think Bigger

Try and think further than your blog and website.  Are you incorporating social media, videos, surveys and other ways to reach your audience?  If you aren’t, then start today.

3.      Think Different

You want to think differently than everyone else.  The goal should be to stand out and be more original.  The difference will be that you’ll drive more business to your site and others will simply be grasping at traffic from their all too similar competition.

4.      Think Numbers

Try and track your clicks, your shares and anything else you have in the works.  Those numbers matter!  Be sure and market them back to your customers and use them to show urgency and limited availability.

5.      Think Strategy

You want to take your current situation and take it to the next level.  In other words, you need to really think and evaluate what your strategy & plan is going to be.  Work as a team and figure out what will help your content most.

6.      Think Competition

Every business can benefit from a content marketing strategy.  Don’t underestimate the fact that your competition may already have their stellar strategy in place.  Think about what you can do to stay cutting edge of those that you compete for business.

7.      Think Diversity

The goal is to be diverse in your marketing.  Try everything that you can think of and then some!  The more diversity you have the more success you’ll most likely experience.  You have to try things to see what works and changing it up will go a long way.

Dare to THINK when it comes to content-marketing improvements.  You want to be different and stand out.  Content-marketing should not be ignored.  Try these 7 ways to think big when it comes to helping your business thrive in their content marketing strategy.

Contact me today for content that will engage your prospects and help you increase awareness! ~ 740-824-4842

Need articles / content for your newsletters, blogs, or website? Contact us today! 740-824-4842.

Written specifically for us by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. Copyright protected worldwide. All rights reserved.

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The benefits of a carefully planned marketing strategy are numerous. Too often, small business owners rely solely on their intuition to make business decisions. While this informal knowledge is certainly an important aspect of the decision-making process, it may not provide you with all the facts and data you need to achieve the best results.

Developing a marketing strategy will force you to think about the various aspects of your business. In fact, you should really think of the “marketing strategy” as a set of strategies — for positioning, pricing, distribution, and promotion — developed with one goal in mind: to lead your enterprise to the destination you have chosen.

The four P’s of marketing

Traditionally, marketers have referred to the four “P’s of marketing” to explain the importance of a well-planned marketing strategy. In essence, the main purpose of marketing is to help you identify the needs and wants of your target market so that you can develop promotional strategies that will allow you to provide your customers with the “right” product at the best price.


What is the unique positioning of my product or service? Positioning your product in relation to similar products available on the market is essential if you want to distinguish yourself from the competition. Ask yourself what makes your product (or service) unique and how it compares to the competition.


How do I determine the best price for my product or service? There are many ways to establish the price of your product or service. An effective pricing strategy will help you stay competitive in your market. Determine how much your customers are willing and able to pay for your products and whether they have the income required to pay for your product.


How effective is my advertising? Even if you are offering the best, fastest, or least expensive product around, you will get nowhere if no one knows about it. An efficient promotional or advertising strategy will ensure that your efforts translate into sales.


How do I make sure that my product or service reach my customers in the most efficient manner? The type of distribution network that is right for your product depends on many factors, such as the size of your business, the structure of the industry as well as the buying behaviors of your customers. The way you make your products available to your customers can give you an important competitive advantage.

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Surefire Ways to Get Promoted

Wouldn’t you like to know how to secure an upcoming promotion?

Imagine being able to tap into your supervisors thought processes and learn what it takes to get promoted. These tips will enable you to understand more of what bosses look for as they make their promotion decision. Stand out and you’ll find yourself in a new role by doing the following:

Do the right thing.

Supervisors likely promote those that do the basics well. In other words, do the right thing when it comes to showing up on time, not gossiping, and treating everyone with respect.

Set your mind on the big picture.

One way to get promoted is to think like the owner with a long-term vision. The big picture is important and your supervisor will note that you are thinking ahead rather than just about the day to day tasks of the company.

Play nice with others.

No one likes to work with someone who is difficult to get along with. Work hard to be a team player. Your boss and coworkers will appreciate it and respect you more. Be present when the workload gets hard rather than shirk from the responsibility.

Take initiative whenever you can.

If you want to get promoted, then you’ll want to be seen as one who takes initiative. Accept tough assignments, don’t complain, and give your all to the tasks you are to handle. Your boss will be looking for someone who is willing to step up to the plate rather than one who has to be asked repeatedly to help.

Be a leader.

Promotions often go to the employees that are seen as leaders. You can show your strengths by extending advice, a hand, or your skills to assist others. People will take note when you have an expertise in a variety of areas. Lead by example and be sure you follow the company’s policies and procedures.

Allow your passion to be evident.

You are hungry for advancement and passionate about the company. Make sure that you allow our passion to shine through your work each day. Don’t be shy to let people know you want to lead, grow, and advance your career in ways that benefit the team.

Networking is the key to your success.

Spend your time networking with the people that can help you learn more about the role you hope to secure. In other words, try and find team members that have been in that role before or supervise the person who has that position. Networking will enable you to learn more about the role which will give you a better chance to secure the position.

Need more tips on how to get promoted? Contact us today!

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Written by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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The Importance of the Human Element in Your Hiring Process

Hiring has changed extensively over the years. These days’ companies are working even harder to find the most talented candidates for their teams. In fact, in the United States, the average time it takes to hire is almost 23 days.

We live in an extremely social day and age. Technology networks us in constantly and yet we somehow missed the human element because of screen time with our devices. The hiring process must stay human and less technology focused. People are relational and like to stay engaged with hiring managers during the interview process.

Adhere to these tips for how employers can move forward while maintaining a personal approach while hiring. You’ll find that the process will take less time and you’ll secure more talented individuals for your company.

Employee Referrals

Encourage your top talent to refer people that they know for your open positions. Often they travel in circles with similar top performing personalities. They can network with you and if they produce a great candidate, you can reward them for their referral.

Promote from Within

When you get a notice, try to promote an employee from within your company. Professional development encourages people in their career paths and makes them want to stay longer. No need to constantly struggle to fill positions, rather move your talent up and find a new candidate to fill their shoes. You can save money on training because your newly promoted employee can train their replacement.

Applicant Tracking

Get organized with an applicant tracking system. Select a software provider that will help you schedule interviews, calls, assessments, and follow-up. No need to go this thing alone! Utilize technology to help you stay engaged which provides the important human element that people crave.

Interactive Screening Techniques

Even with the need for a human touch, technology can be useful. Interactive screening is quite popular and effective. Phone calls are wonderful but adding video to this type of interview adds a human element that is welcomed.

Video interviews are convenient and easy to schedule. You are able to visually see the candidate and assess their skills while seeing their professionalism.

Hiring is time-consuming, but the timetable can be reduced by keeping the human element intact.

Companies should be sure to keep candidates engaged so that they feel informed, comfortable and enticed to work on your team. Reducing your time to hire will enable you to save money and improve employee morale too.

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Written by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Why Top Salespeople Leave, Stay and Join a Company

At some point, every company struggles with how to secure top talent and get them to stay for the long haul. There are some common reasons for why the best salespeople leave, stay, and join a company. Consider the following and perhaps change your strategy in order to hold attract and hold on to the best candidates.

Reasons to Join Your Team

  1. Attractive compensation package

People that are in sales want to keep things simple and a package that is overly difficult will not be a perk for them. They want a plan that simply rewards their efforts as they drive sales. Top performers want something clear and straightforward.

  1. Coworkers they identify with

If you have a top candidate on the hook, then they most likely know others in their network that would benefit your company too. Offer referrals for your salespeople to refer other dynamic performers. They will appreciate the extra income and will enjoy helping to select colleagues they like to work with.

Why People Stay

  1. Professional development

Salespeople want to be invested in. They enjoy attending conferences and training sessions in order to network with others, learn, and just be able to stay on top of their game.

  1. The right tools

Top salespeople want to have the tools to do their job well. If you make that available and provide them with the latest and cutting-edge technology, they will stick around longer. They want to be able to go after sales and to do it without the frustrations that come from lack of proper equipment.

Reasons Salespeople Leave

  1. Lack of advancement

If salespeople don’t see the company offering a career path that has the potential for advancement, they will look for an opportunity to leave. In order to keep your top talent, your company will need to mentor, coach, and train them. They are hungry for sales, advancement, and a lucrative career. Give them what they want so they won’t leave.

  1. Money

Salespeople are driven by money. If they are not happy with their compensation package, they won’t stay. Touch base with your top talent and try to gauge their satisfaction levels. Listen closely to them and be open to change as needed. As the saying goes, money talks.

You have to entice the best job seekers to consider your company and then try to keep them. Be sure that you provide outstanding compensation packages and professional development opportunities in order to secure and hold onto top talent.

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Written by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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The Future Workplace Experience: Is Your HR Department Ready?

The business world is focused on the need to innovate today.

Try to be more innovative with your company’s culture, leadership style, technology goals, strategy, etc…

One thing that often doesn’t get as much traction is Human Resources. The future workplace experience is changing. How does your HR department measure up? Are you ready?

The Future Workplace Experience

If you want to have an Innovative HR department, then you check out The Future Workplace Experience: 10 Rules for Mastering Disruption in Recruiting and Engaging Employees by Meister and Mulcahy. This great read is helpful for both workers and human resources to see the innovative workplace changes.

The book focuses on the trends in the future from a fresh perspective. In recent years, people began to consider the opportunity of employees to work from anywhere and on a flexible schedule. They seem to have forgotten the employer though. There is still a need for hiring managers, recruiters, and the HR department.

The Employer Side of Things

This book will shed some light on the employer side of things and the future of work. Specifically, it focuses on 10 trends that will change the way employers recruit, train, and the manner that they use freelancers for projects.  The goal is to embrace an innovative approach where you focus less on the 9 to 5 parameters of one’s day job.

Employers should shift their thinking to attract top talent and give them work that is designed for their particular skill sets. The book encourages employers to rethink the entire hiring process and to switch gears on leadership styles as appropriate.

Worth the Read

Meister and Mulcahy’s book is absolutely worth the read. Their findings are geared toward the audience of “gig economy” employers. The material is sure to give ways for leaders to implement innovative strategies for management and HR departments.

This book is different than other business books on the market. The key focus is on people. Technological innovation is great but if you miss the mark with people, then you don’t have much left. The best practices in this book will enable others to see the future workplace in a different light and give their business the opportunity to thrive.

Need help getting your HR ready? Contact us today!

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Written by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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